lundi 15 octobre 2007


Now, after the blunderer, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Samir, I am 20 years old and I live in the most boring city in the world. Fortunately, every week-end I come back at my parents' and I hang out wih my friends and speak with my wonderful sister !
I have lived in Lisieux for three years because I have repeated my first year in my IUT.
I've met a lot of great people (Estelle, Marjorie, Fabien, Emile, Romain rica, Victor, Pierre, Elodie (ex), Mary, Lucy, Maxime,...) and a lot of bad people (I won't name them). But I look forward to leave this city because it is so boring. I don't know where I will be next year.

mercredi 10 octobre 2007


Some of you have already heard about this topic once (in French class) some of you have heard about it twice (in French class and in English class) but some of you have never heard and so that nobody may be jealous, they can read it on my blog.

So I'm going to talk to you about GMOs (It is a stupid sentence, that has no need to say but it avoids thinking about an introduction because it works for all subjects).

As you know, (for everybody I think), the GMOs are organisms whose their genes are modified to add caracteristics that they don’t have or remove the harmful. The main reason of GMOs creation is to make plants more resistant (for example against insects or meteorological phenomenas). For a lot of years, a fight against the GMOs has been lead but until now, the scientists have never seen a major problem.

So, I have decided to show you the positive impact of GMOs in three domains: the production, the environnement and the health.

The production:

- Every year, farmers complain about their crops being devastated by insects or bad weather. With the GMOs, we can reinforce crop and so reduce the risk of lost and we get a better production.
- If we use GMOs, we can resolve the problem of animal sproduction. Indeed if we insert gene into animals, we can increase their yield.
- Lastly the GMOs allow to produce more food on the same surface so when we know that the rice is the food the more eaten in the world, we can said it’s beneficial.

The environnement:

- As I told you, now we can produce more on the same surface, so soils are less damaged.
- If the soils are less damaged, it’s also the new crops are more resistant with insects and bad weather as drought or flooding.
- The GMOs bring a solution at wasting ‘s problems. With the GMOs the preserving ‘s duration is longer.
- Lastly, most of scientists agreed to said that the GMOs reduce the industry’s impact on the environnement. For example, the resistance to insects reduce the numbers of pesticids used by farmers so, chemical products and it’s better for the environnement and their health.

The health:

- Firstly because, in the world, a lot of people suffer from a lack of vitamins and the GMOs we can inject vitamin in the food.
- Secondly because, with the science we can create vaccines or medicines.

To conclude, I think GMOs are good for the society for all these reasons. (My introduction was also zero in French than in English)

jeudi 4 octobre 2007


Now I've known him for three years and i don't know whether it's a good or a bad thing.
During my very first year i never spoke with him.That''s normal, he didn't come in class because he prefered going to see the horses race at the race course. The very few times i saw him, it was at parties, in discos when he was very drunk.
I really knew him when I was in second first year, beacause at the beginning of the year, he was the only person that i knew. Since that moment, he's been my workfriend, beacause we have worked together all year long. The result is that we finished second and fifth in the promotion. But the second semester was harder and we started again to party and our results were degraded.
If I say that Maxime is a blunderer is because i have the proof of it. You shouldn't say your secrets to him because he will repeat them even if it's not on purpose. Furthermore, if you like a girl, don't tell him because he's going to make feel bad in front of her. He knows what i'm talking about.(Emi, Justine, Lucy, Azélie...)
But I want to say that if he hadn't been in the IUT, maybe I wouldn't be with you this year because it is thanks to him I have survived in my second first year and even if I annoy him every time he's my friend and he is not nasty. The best thing about him : he has a donkey named Pingouin.