dimanche 11 novembre 2007

The best french serie : Plus belle la vie (of course)

Many people will disagree, saying the actors are bad players, the stories are unrealistic, and this is no worth following this serie every night because we know what's going to happen next. However, the fact is that the channel gets more than three million viewers at each broadcast. And this figure shows I'm not the only one who likes Plus belle la vie (PBLV).

20:20 pm, after having diner, the news on all the other channels, I can't help myslef watching PBLV. No need to think too hard, I spend twenty-five minutes watching the Mistral inabitants' life. I've known them for a couple of years now : Rolland, the owner of the popular bar, Mélanie, the waitress, Nathan the teenager...

The actors will never be stars of cinema, because they can't play as well as Morgan Freeman, but I don't even notice the mistakes they make anymore.
The scenarists will never receive any price, because the stories aren't original, but I really care about what's going on in Rudy's life or in Blanche's family even if they don't have super powers.

French people like PBLV, because they can identify themselves with the characters. (I look like Rudy << I dont' t think that but people said that)). And, the most important moment is the end. It's always so surprising, I have to watch the following episode...

PBLV is also a moment when families or friends are together to talk about what's going to happen.

Message for emile et victor: I will be to play to poker with you only if I can watch PBLV

5 commentaires:

MikaelSTID a dit…

Plus Belle La vie is magic.
This stories aren't original but I laught because this rebounding are fantastic...

Julien a dit…

Will Melanie succumb to the charm of Alexandre?

Pix-Vogue a dit…

Yes, tomorrow Friday, they will be embraced, and Monday ...

Anonyme a dit…

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Ayers rock a dit…

PBLV is desperating ... but I watch...