vendredi 16 novembre 2007

The best game: the poker

.I saw in an other blog someone who make an article about poker. I think have had this idea since many time but I never had courage to make it. As I play it sometimes during the weeks in lisieux.

Poker is a card game you practise with several players using a set of fifty-two cards and chips. Most often the players use the chips to represent the money they are playing. There is several differents rules. The most played is the hold'em. I would like to introduce you this kind of poker. At the begining all the players receive two downcards as their personal hand ( called holecards), after they saw these there is a round of betting. This round is over when the player have the same number of chips in front of them.Three boardcards are turned simultaneously (called the flop) and another round of betting occurs. In fact the player payd to see the card.The next two boardcards are turned oneby one, with a round of betting after each card. The player bet because they hope the will have the best five-card combination from among the board and his personal cards. A player win if any body have more than him. The combination order is :

-high card
-two pairs
-three of a kind
-full house-four of a kind
-straight flush
-royal flush
I hope this small explication could do you will play, maybe with me, during the week. I forgot to say you if you play with me you will lose because I win every time....

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